Dem Dubs Doe!

We had another high rep double under workout today, but somehow the sets being broken up into 50 seemed to be a bit easier for a lot of people. Leah was able to get all of her sets unbroken and Jeff had one of his best days of double unders to date! Here they are, along with the rest of the 9am class blazing through them.



4 Rounds:
Every 7 Minutes:
50 Double Unders
25/20 Calorie Row
50 Double Unders
*Score is total time for all 4 rounds

Mind Over Matter?

Static holds are a great place to practice mind over matter. Most of the time we give up mentally before we give out physically in static holds (at least I know I do).  Where did you give out today first? In the body or in the mind??
Here's Ethan looking pretty comfy in his goblet squat while Mike jumps on.



Partner 20 minute AMRAP:
Partner one holds a static chin over the pull up bar as long as possible then lowers into a static hang over the bar.
Partner 2 completes as many push press (53/75) while their partner's chin is over the bar then shoulder presses while partner is hanging from the bar.
Partner 1 stays at the bottom of a goblet squat (35/50 DB) while partner 2 AMRAPs box jumps (20/24).
Partner 1 planks while partner 2 AMRAPs an unbroken set of KBS (53/70).
Partner 1 holds a handstand while partner 2 AMRAPs tuck-ups.
Then partners relay 2 40-meter sand bag carries then switch static/dynamic roles.
The score is the total AMRAP reps completed.