Katie holding a nice position in her split while pressing.
Pressing in the split jerk is a great way to build awareness and strength in the split position. Katie has a nice vertical shin (showing that her weight isn’t too far forward in her front foot) and the bar is stacked nicely over her shoulders and hips.



16 minute AMRAP:
Unbroken press in split ladder (53/95). Ladder starts with a split jerk then one press in split, then another split jerk followed by 2 press, etc..
After each unbroken set, athletes must complete a set of KBSs and a set of calorie row. The number of reps for both equals 30 minus the number of reps of shoulder press completed during the previous ladder. The score is the total number of press reps completed.

Movin' On Up

Katie started Crossfit with me at the original gym—probably 12+ years ago. She took about a 10 year hiatus and has now been training consistently with me again for over a year. When she first started back, just clamping on the rope and holding herself there for 5 seconds was challenging (which I’m sure many of you can relate to). Slowly but surely she has been inching her way up the rope. This photo is of her last climb (6 total) on Friday.
Sometimes you have to take a step back to see how far you have come.



Partner Workout:

5 rounds of:
Hang from pull-up bar while partner does AMRAP toes-to-bar
Plank hold while partner does AMRAP push-up
30 reps of dumbbell box step overs (50/35#)
200m Farmers Carry (50/35#)
400 m run