
By Mary Boudreau Conover

I've just returned from a mini-class reunion--one we have every year. There were only eight of us there out of 21 in our 1952 graduating class from Nursing School. Some are living far away and others have died. I was stunned to discover that four of that group of eight had vertigo. A small sampling I know, but still a bit of a shock. One woman's Physician had made a sincere attempt at an incomplete Epley maneuver---no hope of success there.

These women have been toughing it out for years. Two of them agreed to let me try the Epley maneuver, another was too afraid because when she got the vertigo she would be very nauseated. The fourth was yours truly; but I had used the Epley maneuver, with the help of my husband, to cure myself two years ago. My vertigo was the result of walking full tilt into a cupboard door--edge on--that I had stupidly left open---tall people and their short relatives and friends learn NOT to do that! 

See the full article here.