Hormonal and Metabolic Changes During Progressive Overload Training–A Review

By Mary Boudreau Conover

After Coach Greg Glassman and Lauren were booted from Spa Fitness after Eva dumped a loaded bar, these were the ones who threw their lot in with him and worked out in a small space set aside at Claudio's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym using a new and contrarian approach to training, called "CrossFit". They were introduced to short intense workouts with the startling addition of plenty of variety—major lifts, gymnastic basics, rowing, running—mixed—hard and fast—short and intense—no routines.

As intense, varied, fast and loaded as those workouts were, a couple of years later when the early CrossFitters moved with Greg and Lauren into the first CrossFit box (our HQ), they were stronger, more powerful, faster and more flexible. All of which was accomplished without one athlete having been overtrained. 

See the full article here.​