Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)

By Mary Boudreau Conover

It is disappointing how many medical professionals are unable to make the diagnosis of PSVT and to differentiate between the two main causes, simply because they have not studied the mechanisms. This is about Sarah, who was seen and examined in an emergency tent while symptomatic during a triathlete competition and was never diagnosed! The point being, that a golden moment was missed when she was symptomatic because it is more difficult and sometimes impossible to make a definitive diagnosis with the ECG during sinus rhythm regarding the cause of PSVT unless there is an overt sign of pre- excitation.

For those reasons, this article is especially for the dedicated medical professionals who study hard and work smart under pressure during emergencies for better patient outcomes and for the medics who work in the emergency tents during athletic competitions. They can make a difference. They are Emergency Department Nurses and Physicians; Critical Care Nurses; Paramedic EMTs; and Fire Engine and Ladder Company personnel. 

See the full article here.​